About Me

Because a brand explainer would be tacky.

Who Am I

If you're reading this, you've already heard of me or you typed in a really weird Google search to randomly wind-up here.

I'm just a guy living in Texas trying to live his best life between family, work, soccer, and creative pursuits. Sometimes a few of them overlap in fun ways.

I call Austin home. Having lived in quite a few different places, this town is the first to feel like home. My wife concurs, which is fortunate for co-habitation. We have offspring, we have pets, we have our own slice of dirt with a view and put a house on it. The neighbors are nice and seem to tolerate us well enough.

My better-half truly is, she compliments me in strange ways and has magical powers over animals. True story.

For occasional peaks into my brain and interests, you'll find me online on the various social networks, but I mostly poke in periodically and don't live on them. You'll also find me online as as: quixado (kwĭk-sä'dō), my handle for over 20 years.

What I Do

In daily life I manage a portfolio of programs for a big technology client of an "experience-driven consulting and delivery firm" - according to the Marketing department. My design skills are limited – as this website shows – but I'm a fan of the craft. I'm also a research and behavior nerd, so wound up in agency life - fascinated by better experiences through design. So I work with fantastic people to help create opportunities and solve challenges for companies. Plus, there are tacos on Mondays!

Starting in 2013 through the club's inaugural season, I moonlighted as the creator and leader of the supporter movement to land a Major League Soccer team here in Austin. That would be what you call Austin FC today.

I'm currently focused on my next "big thing": "Quixotic Bravado." There are interesting stories I want to help tell and some interesting ways they can be told. I am here for that!

I've spent a career around a common theme of creating communities that bring people together through technology and the stories that emerge. Was this a plan? Not really, but it seems to be the thing that I keep coming back to. I'm a self-taught programmer and someone who has always been curious about emerging technologies and creative and positive ways they can be used.

I've been fascinated by the ability of people from diverse experiences, locations, and backgrounds to interact and form a community over a common purpose. I've been involved with how they've evolved and changed with each decade. Back in my teens, I would spend time on working on online mysteries on old online message boards. This eventually led me to an online/offline adventure by Microsoft for the movie AI, which involved participants from all over the world finding clues in the real world and online. It was a mystery, a puzzle box, and a scavenger hunt for the Internet age. This was the origin of Collective Detective.

Years later, I'd create my own platform for connecting stories through physical and virtual objects called Collectivus.

In between technology, location, social media, and mobile devices took off and I wound up in the middle of it. Good timing right? It lead to some patents, meeting a friend that introduced me to soccer, and eventually brought me to Austin, Texas.