About Me

Because a brand explainer would be tacky.

Who Am I

If you're reading this, you've already heard of me or you typed in a really weird Google search to randomly wind-up here.

I'm just a guy living in Texas trying to live his best life between family, work, soccer, and creative pursuits. Sometimes a few of them overlap in fun ways.

I call Austin home. Having lived in quite a few different places, this town is the first to feel like home. My wife concurs, which is fortunate for co-habitation. We have offspring, we have pets, we have our own slice of dirt with a view and put a house on it. The neighbors are nice and seem to tolerate us well enough.

My better-half truly is, she compliments me in strange ways and has magical powers over animals. True story.

For occasional peaks into my brain and interests, you'll find me online on various social networks.

©josh babetski. | made in austin, texas. |